How Can I Boost My Twitter Feed

Want to learn how you can get more followers on Twitter for free?

With over 187 million active users, Twitter is practically a goldmine for social media marketing. But, that also means you'll have to compete with lots of small and large brands there.

No need to worry, though. With our tried-and-tested techniques for Twitter marketing, you can stand out from the crowd and get a following of your own.

In this post, we're going to show you lots of amazing ways you can increase your Twitter followers. Since these Twitter tips are simple to do, you'll be able to use them and boost your followers in no time.

And the best part — these are all completely free.

So let's get started!

1. Tweet at the Right Times

Compared to other platforms like Facebook and YouTube, Twitter moves much faster so you'll have to post frequently to keep up.

In fact, you can check the Twitter feeds of popular brands and you'll see that they post quite often. With everyone else posting so much, you can't afford to be left behind.

tweet fast and regularly

According to research, you should post at least 6 times a day for effective Twitter marketing.

And on top of that, the time you tweet also matters. Usually, users are more likely to use Twitter during the afternoon. So, you can boost your engagement if your tweeting schedule fits that.

Plus, there's also certain times when you can get the maximum amount of engagement on Twitter.

best time to post on twitter

If your tweets are targeting other businesses, then this time is 11 AM to 1 PM on Monday or Thursday.

But if you're aiming to directly reach the consumers, then you should aim for 12 PM to 1 PM on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.

So when you're tweeting, keep in mind the best times to post on social media.

2. Pin Your Best Tweet

In social media marketing, you'll only get a few seconds to make your impression on other users. So, it's important that you put your best foot forward with your Twitter profile.

You can do that by pinning your best tweet, so it's visible at the top of your Twitter profile.

pinned tweet example

All you need to do is pin your best content and anyone visiting your Twitter profile will see it right away. With this, you're creating a great first impression by giving helpful tips to your followers — for free.

Plus, you can also add a link to a pinned tweet if you want to drive more traffic towards it. Since it sits at the top of your profile, you'll get more clicks there.

Let's take an example of WPBeginner, the largest online resource for WordPress. On their Twitter profile, you can see a pinned tweet with a resource on creating a WordPress blog.

pinned tweet to gain followers

So, anyone who opens their Twitter profile can immediately see something that's useful to them. And this positive interaction can turn people into followers.

Like that, you can pin useful or interesting content to make a better impression and get more followers.

3. Embed Twitter Feed on Your Website

Want to drive your website traffic towards your Twitter account? An easy way to do that is by adding a Twitter feed to your site.

No need to add Twitter posts one by one anymore. With a Twitter feed, you can add all the content from your Twitter account directly on your website.

And it's really simple. With the FREE Custom Twitter Feeds plugin, all it takes is a few clicks and you can have a Twitter feed on your site with no coding needed.

custom twitter feed example free smash balloon plugin

You're not limited to your own timeline here. Your feeds can show posts from a hashtag or the timeline of any user.

Worried about all these tweets slowing down your site? With this plugin's speed optimization, your website and Twitter feeds will be lightning fast. Plus, faster websites are much better for SEO.

Also, the Custom Twitter Feeds plugin automatically inherits your website's theme for your feeds. So, your Twitter feeds are going to perfectly match your branding.

You can forget about having to manually update the feed with new posts. This plugin will automatically update your Twitter feed whenever you add a new tweet.

All this without paying a single cent, since the plugin is completely free.

So, go and grab your FREE copy of Custom Twitter Feeds and start boosting your followers.

4. Use Hashtags

With almost 500,000 tweets sent every minute, you'll have to work hard to stand out from this sea of new tweets. Thankfully, there's an easy way to improve your chances — hashtags.

Simply adding a hashtag to your tweets can make them easier to search. Just make sure that the hashtags are relevant to your content. If not, people may mistake your content for spam.

In fact, you can also add related hashtags to your bio and make your Twitter profile more searchable.

For example, since WPBeginner is the biggest unofficial resource site for WordPress, they added #WordPress on their bio. So people looking for WordPress resources can find their profile.

hashtag in the twitter bio

And then there's trending hashtags as well. On Twitter, trending basically means that lots of people are talking about a particular topic. In these popular topics, you can also find some hashtags.

trending hashtags

If a hashtag that's related to your brand is trending, then it's a great time to hop in and join the conversation.

However, there's an even better way to use hashtags and convert your visitors into Twitter followers: Custom Twitter Feeds Pro.

With it, you can add tweets from lots of different users or hashtags at once. And you can create Twitter feeds from mentions, lists, and search results. So, it's super easy to create a varied Twitter feed.

And you also get a lot more customization options, including the carousel and masonry layouts. As a result, creating engaging feeds will be so much easier. And with advanced filtering, you'll get a lot more control over your Twitter feeds.

Using Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, you can directly embed your hashtag feeds on your website.

hashtag feed for twitter

You can engage your visitors with relevant posts and turn your website traffic into followers at the same time.

So if you want to get even more followers on Twitter, check out Custom Twitter Feeds Pro today.

5. Properly Set Up Your Twitter Profile

Seems like a small thing, right? Well, setting up your Twitter profile properly is one of the best ways to gain new Twitter followers for free.

With all the competition out there, you need every advantage you can get to stand out. And a complete Twitter profile can help you there.

To get started, you'll need a Twitter profile with the following:

  • A profile picture with your company logo or your photo.
  • A Twitter handle with your name or company name.
  • A bio that's short and has a bit of personality.
  • A link to your website.
  • And your location.

To make it more clear, let's take an example of a good Twitter profile.

twitter profile example

As you can see, it has all the important info and a touch of personality so it doesn't feel like a bot generated it.

With these simple items, you'll end up with a Twitter profile that feels a lot more complete and professional. And with the conveniently placed link, people know where to go if they want more content from you.

6. Run Contests

One of the easiest ways to get more Twitter followers is by running different contests on Twitter. You're basically turning your marketing posts into a "game" to challenge people.

First, organizing a contest doesn't mean you'll have to give some kind of huge reward. You can offer discounts, coupons, service trials, or even exposure, which you can consider as a small investment to market your business.

Not sure where to start? Well, here's a few ideas for fun contests on Twitter.

  • Ask a question that they can answer.
  • Start a simple guessing game.
  • Ask people to tweet images with a specific hashtag.
  • Start a caption contest.

caption contest

And to make things better, there's a free tool that you can use: RafflePress.

RafflePress makes it super easy to run contests and giveaways, since it does everything automatically. The plugin will manage everything for you, from the rules to the giveaway duration. You can just install and set it up on your website.

rafflepress run giveaways on twitter

It also comes with a fantastic drag-and-drop builder. So with just a few clicks, you'll have your contest up and running. No need to touch a single line of code.

rafflepress plugin twitter template

As you can see, it's the best WordPress giveaway plugin out there. If you want to get more followers on Twitter instantly, RafflePress can help you out for FREE.

And if you're happy with it, you can upgrade to the premium version at any time. You can get even more features, like email marketing integrations and lots of new types of contests and giveaways.

There's also lots of pre-built templates so you can create different kinds of contests even more easily.

Plus, you can also set up bonuses for people who refer or share your contests, so you'll have a much easier time going viral.

Give RafflePress a try and you can create contests and giveaways that'll skyrocket your followers.

7. Post Visual Content

Here's another free Twitter hack to get more followers — go for images and videos.

Video content on Twitter is 6x as likely to be retweeted! Plus, tweets with images get 35% more engagement. So, you can't just rely on plain text for your social media marketing.

You have lots of options for visual content on Twitter. If you want to post an informative tweet, why not go for an engaging infographic instead?

Or what about a lighthearted gif or a short video to brighten up the day of your followers?

starbucks video example

And if you're just posting a link, it really helps to have a nice featured image.

colorful featured image example

Just add more visual content and your Twitter timeline will instantly look more engaging. And after that, getting more followers for free is so much easier.

8. Avoid Being Spammy

Another way to get more Twitter followers for free is to avoid being spammy with your posts.

If you don't know what Twitter counts as spam, here's a quick guide:

  • Constantly tweeting links without any other content
  • Tweeting the same content using multiple accounts
  • Posting lots of duplicate tweets
  • Creating fake accounts to create fake Twitter interactions (follows, retweets, likes, etc.)
  • Trying to buy or artificially inflate Twitter interactions
  • Making lots of unwanted replies or mentions
  • Trying to manipulate Twitter trends by posting lots of updates
  • Trying to use or advertise third-party services claiming to get you more Twitter interactions

And remember, spam is against the Twitter rules and can lose you your account. But if you avoid being spammy, your brand is going to look much more authentic on Twitter.

And the more authentic your brand is, the more genuine your relationship will be with your followers.

So if you want to build a following, make sure you regularly audit your Twitter content to follow the platform's guidelines.

9. Use Social Proof

Imagine you're buying something on the internet.

Before you do that, you'll check out reviews and opinions of other people, right?

And that's basically how social proof works. People look at other people's opinions as a kind of proof before making decisions.

In getting more Twitter followers, you can use positive interactions to improve your brand image.

And a great way to do that is with TrustPulse.

trustpulse popup notifications plugin

Using TrustPulse, you can add real-time notifications to your website.

So, for example, you can let your visitors know when a user retweets or mentions your brand with a simple notification.

And this notification works as social proof to convince people to follow you on Twitter.

So if your visitors are on the fence about giving you a follow on Twitter, you can use a notification to gently persuade them to do so.

Plus, you can add a link to your Twitter on that notification to guide your visitors.

And TrustPulse is extremely user-friendly, so you can set it up in minutes — zero coding needed.

Once you've done that, you can use TrustPulse for social proof even outside of Twitter.

In fact, you can show notifications for successful sales, important milestones, or positive reviews. With these notifications, you can motivate your visitors to make a purchase.

So if you want to get started and boost your followers with social proof, give TrustPulse a shot.

10. Create Twitter Lists

Another great way of engaging with users on Twitter is through lists.

Twitter lists are simply lists of similar Twitter accounts. It sounds simple but you can use them to improve your follower count without a lot of extra effort.

You can create lists for brand ambassadors, valuable customers, and other targets for social media engagement. This way, you'll have a nice list of people associated with your brand for others to see.

And that can work as social proof too. People can check out the list and see how others are using your products and engaging with you on Twitter.

You can also create Twitter lists for useful resources. A great way to get engagement on social media is by becoming a trusted source of information. So, you can have lists for best of's, must follow accounts, trustworthy brands, and much more.

If your Twitter list helps people out, then they can follow you for more useful information.

Plus, it's a great way to organize things for marketing on Twitter. You can create private Twitter lists to keep track of accounts that are important for your brand. This can be your competitors, potential clients, high-value customers, and more.

create your own twitter list

All in all, Twitter lists are pretty handy tools. And like with Twitter feeds, you can embed it on your website and maximize your engagement.

With Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, you can show off content from Twitter lists on your website.

embed twitter list on your site

For example, if you have a Twitter list of accounts that use and promote your content, you can embed a feed that collects posts from all these accounts.

This way, anyone who visits your site can see how people are using your products.

And it's really simple as well. Like with your Twitter feeds, all it takes is a few clicks to set it up so you don't need any technical knowledge or coding.

After installing Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, you can simply add your Twitter feeds to your website and have engaging content for your visitors. That means, you can drive your site traffic to your Twitter account at the same time.

So if you want to take your Twitter marketing to the next level, give Custom Twitter Feeds Pro a shot.

11. Use Analytics

And we can't ignore analytics either. Before you can improve your Twitter marketing game, you need to know how you're currently doing.

Using analytics, you can find out exactly how your Twitter account is doing. So, you'll know where you're doing well and where you need to improve.

And you don't even have to put in a lot of effort, since Twitter analytics has a number of handy features.

twitter analytics

With it, you can track the number of followers, profile visits, mentions, and more, and see how well you're doing. What's more, you also get stats for your individual posts and see which ones are effective and which ones are not.

And after that, you can just use Twitter analytics to check how effective your campaigns are. Then you'll have proof that your efforts are working.

As you can see, getting more followers on Twitter is going to be so much easier when you can see your analytics data.

And that's it!

Hopefully, you have an idea about how to get more followers on Twitter now. With these tips, it's easy and free to attract more Twitter followers.

All it takes is a little bit of effort and you can transform your Twitter profile into a social media powerhouse.

But, if you're really serious about social media marketing, you can take things a step further with the premium Smash Balloon plugins.

In just a few clicks, you can integrate Twitter into your website. Then, your Twitter feeds can help boost engagement and encourage site visitors to follow you on Twitter.

So what are you waiting for?

Get the Custom Twitter Feeds Pro plugin today! With it, getting more followers will be a piece of cake.

Want an even sweeter deal?

You can go for the All Access Bundle today, and get all the Smash Balloon plugins at a discounted price. And you're free to use them unlimited times on unlimited websites.

Do you want some more ideas for your Twitter content? You can check out our article on the best types of tweets to grow your business.

If this article helped you out, then follow us on Twitter and Facebook and you can get even more social media marketing tips and tricks.


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